Thursday 12 November 2015

TOP 10 Secret Tips For Weight Loss by - RECIPESKINGZ...


  1. Before starting to diet, a crucial thing to remember is that while dieting you have to eat a nutritious and balanced diet. It simply means that no matter how much less food you consume in a day, it must contain food from all the food groups – whole grains, proteins, vegetables and fruits and dairy in the right proportion.
  2. Dieting does not have to be boring. You can choose any regular food that you enjoy eating and make it healthier. For e.g: If you enjoy dosas, try to make dosa with healthier ingredients like oats or ragi.
  3. Portion Control is the secret. Irrespective of the food you choose, have a strict control over the portion you eat.
  4. Try to restrict your calorie intake to 1200-1500 calories per day.  I would recommend eating 3 meals of about 300-400 calories each and enjoy 3 mid meal healthy snack around 100 calories each. There are many online tools to help track the calorie count of the food you take.
  5. Once a week, enjoy a meal of whatever you fancy throughout the week. This will reduce your craving as well as speed up your body metabolism.
  6. Keep yourself mind busy with some work to stop it from thinking about food. The busier you are, the less likely you are to crave for food.
  7. Dieting is recommended along with exercise of some form in order to reduce body weight. It is good to work out for 30 minutes to 1 hour in a day. This should include some walking and some moderate exercises.
  8. Never skip breakfast. It is one important meal that in fact helps in weight loss. Also, eat your dinner light and early enough. Try to finish dinner no later than 8 pm.
  9. Avoid fatty, oily and sugary foods as much as possible. Also avoid processed food. Instead, try to include more of low calorie and low carbohydrate food. Also, include lot of healthy snacks like fruits, buttermilk, salads, etc. Always have these healthy snacks on hand easily available so that you don’t end up eating junk.
  10. Invest in a weighing machine. Checking your weight every day will surely motivate you and will also help you to plan out your meals.

Our Average Weekday Meal During Dieting Includes The Following Menu


  • Early Morning - A cup of milk without sugar
  • Breakfast – 2 Dosas or 2 Rotis or 2 Bread slices with some side dish or omelette.
  • Mid-Morning – 1 cup of any fruit or 1 cup of buttermilk or coffee
  • Lunch – 1 cup Rice or 3 Chapattis or a sandwich with 1 cup of Vegetables and some protein like chicken, fish, soya or mushroom.
  • Evening Snack – Tea with ½ cup of snacks
  • Dinner – Soup or Salad or Pasta or 2 of any Roti varieties
  • On Sundays, we indulge in whatever we love and do not bother much about the calorie count.

Pasta with White Sauce..!!!!

Pasta with White Sauce (Alfredo Pasta)


  • Pasta - 2 cups
  • White (Bechamel) Sauce - 2 cups
  • Cheese - 1/2 cup (Mozzarella, Cheddar or Parmesan Cheese)


  1. Boil any variety of pasta according to the package instructions. The pasta should be cooked al dente i.e. it should have a cooked but with a firm bite to it and not get mushy. 
  2. Drain the pasta. 
  3. Heat required amount of white sauce in a pan, add 1/2 cup of your favorite cheese and melt it. I usually prefer a combination of mozzarella and cheddar cheese. 
  4. Add little milk (about 1/2 cup to 1 cup) to thin out the sauce as needed. 
  5. When the sauce is heated through, mix in the cooked pasta. Yummy Alfredo Pasta is ready to serve.